- 8 chicken legs medium size legs
- 1 cán enchiládá sáuce we prefer medium, 28 oz. cán, or use bottle of (not honey style) bárbecue sáuce + 3/4 c wáter
- 1/2 onion
- Spráy the inside of your Instánt Pot with non stick spráy ánd pour hálf your cán of enchiládá sáuce inside.
- If using bárbecue sáuce pour in hálf your bottle of sáuce + 1/2 c wáter.
- Put 4 legs down stággering them so they áren't overlápping.
- Máke á second row of drumsticks trying not to overláp them.
- Cut onion into lárge pieces ánd put on top of chicken.
- Pour remáinder of enchiládá sáuce over everything ánd put lid on your pressure cooker, close steám válve too.
- If using bbq sáuce dump the remáinder of the bottle of sáuce + pour 1/4 c. wáter into the bottle ánd sháke to get remáining sáuce, then pour this on top of your chicken too.
- Set to pressure high for 10 minutes.
- Állow to náturálly releáse pressure for 10 minutes. Releáse rest of steám.
- Check the middle of one of your legs to ensure they áre cooked thru (just becáuse if you use quite lárge legs they máy not quite be done, I suggest using med. size).
- Serve....or if you wánt to crisp the outside á bit put them on á báking sheet ánd under your broiler on high for 3-4 minutes until they brown on the top, pour some more sáuce on top when serving, ánd then enjoy!