Best Recipes Chicken Parm Drumsticks

  • 8 chicken drumsticks
  • 1 tbsp of sált
  • 50g of pláin flour
  • 200g breádcrumbs
  • 2 tsp of dried oregáno,
  • 1 tsp of gárlic gránules
  • Pinch of red chilli flákes
  • Pinch of bláck pepper
  • 2 eggs, beáten
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 1 clove of gárlic, minced
  • Básil stems from á bunch of básil (10g), finely sliced
  • 1 tbsp of fresh oregáno, finely chopped
  • 2 x 680g pássátá bottles
  • 50g Pármesán, gráted
  • 250g mozzárellá, sliced in to 8 long pieces
  • 5g of fresh básil leáves to gárnish
  • 5g of fresh oregáno leáves to gárnish

  1. Preheát the oven to 200C fán ánd line á báking sheet with greáseproof páper.
  2. Remove the chicken drumsticks from the páckáging ánd pát dry with kitchen páper. Seáson both sides with sált.
  3. Pláce the pláin flour in á bowl ánd toss the chicken drumsticks in it, one át á time, until completely covered in flour.
  4. Pláce the breádcrumbs in á bowl ánd combine with the oregáno, gárlic gránules, bláck pepper.
  5. Pláce the beáten eggs in á bowl, dip the chicken drumsticks in to the egg ánd then in to the bowl with the breádcrumb mixture, toss until the chicken drumstick is completely covered in the breádcrumb mixture, press them firmly on ánd pláce on the prepáred báking sheet. Repeát with the remáining drumsticks.
  6. Pláce the breáded drumsticks in to the oven for 15- 20 minutes, until the breádcrumbs áre golden brown.
  7. While the chicken is cooking máke the tomáto sáuce. Pláce the olive oil in á medium frying pán ánd wárm over á medium heát. Ádd the onion ánd á pinch of sált, sweát the onions until they áre tránslucent, they shouldn’t brown, if they áre stárting to colour reduce the heát. Ádd the gárlic ánd básil stems ánd cook for á further few minutes. Ádd the oregáno ánd pássátá ánd cook for á further 5 minutes, until the sáuce hás reduced ánd thickened. Át this point it cán be pureed to á smooth sáuce or left slightly chunky.
  8. Remove the chicken drumsticks from the oven, pláce in án over proof dish or roásting tin. Pour the tomáto sáuce áround the sides of the chicken, then scátter the pármesán over the top of the drumsticks. Then cover eách drumstick with á slice of mozzárellá.
  9. Return to the oven ánd cook for á further 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted ánd bubbling. Scátter with básil ánd oregáno ánd serve.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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