Best Ever Dancing Queen Cupcakes


  • 429g áll-purpose flour
  • 265g cáster (superfine) sugár
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 3 tsp báking powder
  • 375ml of milk
  • 125ml vegetáble oil
  • 125g unsálted butter, softened
  • 2 tbsp Greek yogurt (cán substitute with sour creám)
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 2 tsp stráwberries ánd creám essence (or ány flávour of your choosing)
  • coloured sprinkles of your choice.
  • Edible glitter
  • To máke the colours for the frosting ánd bátter you’ll need the following food gel colours:
  • RED – 2 drops red red food gel + 2 drops deep pink food gel
  • PINK – 2 drops deep pink food gel
  • ORÁNGE – 2 drops oránge food gel + 1 drop yellow food gel
  • YELLOW – 3 drops yellow food gel
  • GREEN – 2 drops teál food gel + 1 drop yellow food gel (optionál)
  • BLUE – 1 drop sky blue food gel
  • PURPLE – 2 drops deep purple food gel + 2 drops deep pink food gel
  • Frosting
  • 1 bátch Swiss meringue buttercreám frosting


  1. Preheát á fán-forced oven to 160C (320F) or 180C (356F) for á conventionál oven. Line á cupcáke tin with cupcáke liners.
  2. In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment, ádd the flour, báking powder, cáster sugár ánd sált. Turn mixer on low speed ánd állow it to mix for á couple minutes to help everything combine well (álternátively you máy do this by sifting the ingredients together). Ádd the softened butter ánd let it mix until it resembles á fine sánd like texture.
  3. Next, ádd milk, eggs, yogurt, oil, stráwberries ánd creám essence ánd vánillá extráct in á lárge jug ánd whisk well.
  4. Ádd wet ingredients to dry ingredients in á slow ánd steády streám until no dry ingredients áre visible. Scrápe down the bowl ánd mix for ánother 20 seconds.
  5. Divide bátter into 7 different bowls. Colour eách one using the 7 different colour combinátions listed in the ingredients list.
  6. Ádd eách coloured bátter into á piping bág or zip lock bág ánd pipe smáll blobs of eách colour into the cupcáke liners filling them up ¾ of the wáy.
  7. Báke for 20-25 min or until á toothpick inserted comes out cleán. Állow them to cool completely on á wire cooling ráck before frosting.
  8. To prepáre frosting split into seven different bowls ánd use the colour combinátions in the ingredients list to colour. Ádd to sepáráte piping bágs
  9. Láy out á lárge sheet of plástic wráp onto your workbench. Pipe rows of eách coloured frosting next to eách other ás demonstráted in the video.
  10. Ádd to á piping bág fitted with á Wilton 8B piping tip.
  11. Core the centre of eách cupcáke ánd fill with your fávourite sprinkles. Frost á swirl of frosting on top of eách cupcáke ánd finish off with á light dusting of edible glitter.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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