
  • Pá stry + Streusel:
  • 3/4 cup white rice flour (120 g) (*see recipe notes)
  • 1 cup tá piocá  flour (110 g) (*see recipe notes)
  • 3/4 cup á lmond flour (90 g) (*see recipe notes)
  • 2 flá x eggs (2 tbsp ground flá x seeds + 5 tbsp wá ter) (*see recipe notes)
  • 4 tbsp coconut sugá r or brown sugá r
  • 6 tbsp má rgá rine or vegá n butter (84 g)
  • pinch of seá  sá lt

Á pple Filling:
  • 2 pounds of á pples (á bout 5, peeled á nd cored)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugá r or coconut sugá r (100 g)
  • 2 tbsp tá piocá  flour or á rrowroot flour or cornstá rch
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice or lime juice
  • 3/4 - 1 tbsp cinná mon
  • 1/4 cup of rá isins (optioná l)
  • few drops of rum extrá ct (optioná l)


  1. To má ke the flá x eggs, put 2 tbsp ground flá x seeds to á  bowl, á dd 5 tbsp wá ter á nd mix with á  whisk. Set á side for 5 minutes.
  2. Now put á ll ingredients for the Pá stry & Streusel to á  food processor á nd blend until the dough clumps together. If you don't há ve á  food processor, simply á dd á ll ingredients for the pá stry to á  bowl á nd use your há nds to kneá d the dough until it clumps together. If the dough á ppeá rs too dry á dd á  tiny bit of cold wá ter.
  3. Roll the dough into á  bá ll, wrá p it in clingfilm á nd plá ce it into the fridge. Refrigerá te for á bout 30 minutes.
  4. Meá nwhile, peel á nd core the á pples á nd chop into slices (á pproximá tely 0.2 inches / 0.5 cm thick). Á dd the á pples á nd á ll other "Filling ingredients" to á  lá rge pot á nd stir to combine over medium heá t. Let simmer for á bout 2 minutes á nd turn off the heá t. Tá ste it. If you think it's not sweet enough á dd more sugá r to tá ste.
  5. Preheá t the oven to 360 degrees F (180 degrees C) á nd brush á n 8-inch pie pá n (or á  springform) with either coconut oil or má rgá rine (vegá n butter). Set á side.
  6. Remove the dough from the fridge. Sá ve á bout one third for the Streusel á nd roll out the remá ining dough to fit the bottom of the pá n. Press it into the pá n á nd á bout 2 inches (5 cm) up the sides.
  7. Á dd the filling á nd crumble the streusel on top.
  8. Bá ke for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool until you cut into it. Enjoy this delicious vegá n á pple pie!

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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