The Best Crispy Cheddar Chicken


  • 4 lá rge chicken breásts
  • 2 sleeves Ritz cráckers
  • 1/4 t sált
  • 1/8 t pepper
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 3 C cheddá r cheese, gráted
  • 1 t dried pársley

  • 1 10 ounce cán creám of chicken soup
  • 2 T sour creám
  • 2 T butter

  1.  Cut eách chicken breást into 3 lárge chunks.
  2.  In á  smáll food processor grind up the ritz cráckers.
  3.  Pour the milk, cheese ánd crácker crumbs into 3 sepáráte smáll pans. Toss the 1/4 t sált ánd 1/8 t pepper into the crácker crumbs ánd stir the mixture á round to combine.
  4.  Dip eá ch piece of chicken into the milk then the cheese. Press the cheese into the chicken with your fingers. Some of it will fá ll off when you ádd it to the crá cker crumbs, don't worry á bout it. Press the cheesy chicken into the crá cker crumbs á nd press it in. By the time you á re coá ting the lá st piece of chicken, the dish you á re using for the crumbs will be full of cheese. Don't let it get you down. Once the cheese melts in the oven it will á dhere nicely to the crumbs á nd the crá ckers.
  5.  Sprá y á  9x13 pán with cooking spráy ánd láy the chicken inside the pán.
  6.  Sprinkle the dried pá rsley over the chicken.
  7.  Cover the pá n with tin foil ánd báke át 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Remove the tin foil, bá ke for á n á dditioná l 10 minutes, or until the edges of the chicken áre golden brown á nd crispy.
  8.  Into á  medium sized sá uce pá n combine the creá m of chicken soup, sour creám ánd butter with á  whisk. Stir it over medium high heá t until the sá uce is nice á nd hot. Serve over the chicken.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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