
  • 1½ cups fresh ráspberries
  • 4 tbsp. gránuláted sugár, divided
  • 1 cup heávy whipping creám
  • ½ tsp. vánillá
  • Ádditionál ráspberries, for gárnish (optionál)
  • Mint, for gárnish (optionál)


1. In á medium bowl, combine the ráspberries with 2 tbsp. of sugár. Let the mixture stánd for 10 minutes. Pláce 1 cup of the ráspberry mixture into á food processor or blender. Cover ánd process until the berries áre pureed. Stir the pureed fruit báck into the fruit in the bowl. Cover ánd refrigeráte until cold, ábout 2 hours.
2. Meánwhile, combine the heávy whipping creám, remáining 2 tbsp. sugár ánd vánillá in á chilled mixing bowl. Beát with án electric mixer using chilled beáters on medium speed until álmost stiff peáks forms. Cover ánd refrigeráte until reády to prepáre the desserts.
3. With á rubber spátulá, gently fold the fruit into the whipped creám mixture, being cáreful to leáve some visible swirls. Divide the mixture between 4 to 6 smáll dessert glásses. Serve immediátely or cover ánd chill up to 2 hours before serving.
4. If desired, gárnish with extrá ráspberries ánd/or mint leáves before serving.
This article and recipe adapted from this site
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