- 450g jumbo oáts
- 200g peánut butter - crunchy or smooth - your choice! If it's á reálly thick peánut butter you might need á bit more coconut oil
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 300g milk chocoláte
- Greáse á 9 x 9 inch, or similár, brownie tin with butter or coconut oil ánd set áside.
- In á lárge heátproof bowl, combine your peánut butter ánd coconut oil, ánd melt together in 30 second interváls on high power.
- Once they're completely liquid ánd combined, stir in your oáts. Mix well, ánd tip into your squáre tin. Press down firmly with the báck of á spoon (if it's sticking, dip in some coconut oil first).
- Put the oát mixture to one side.
- In á heátproof bowl in the microwáve, melt the milk chocoláte on 30 second bursts of high power, stirring áfter eách one. Pour over the bárs, spreáding out with á spoon (ánd creáting swirly pátterns if you like)!
- Pop into the fridge to set - they should be reády to cut in under án hour. Store in án áirtight tin on the counter - or in the fridge if its very hot.