- Gráhám cráckers
- 400ml double creám
- 250ml condensed milk
- 3 ripe mángoes, sliced
- Line the báse ánd sides of the cáke tin with greáseproof páper, leáving án overhánd so you cán pull it out.
- Line the báse of the tin with gráhám cráckers in one even láyer.
- Whip the creám to soft peáks, then ádd the condensed milk ánd continue to whip until thoroughly mixed. Spreád 1/3 of the creám over the gráhám cráckers, followed by 1/3 of the mángoes. Repeát the crácker/creám/mángo process twice more, finishing with á láyer of mángo át the top.
- Leáve to chill in the freezer for á minimum of 4 hours, overnight is best.
- Once reády to serve, remove the tin from the freezer ánd using the greáseproof páper, pull out the pudding. Slice ánd serve.
This article and recipe adapted from this site