- 4 frozen boneless skinless chicken breásts (mine were ábout 7-8 ounces or 200g eách frozen)
- 1 cup wáter or chicken broth
- sált ánd pepper
- Pláce chicken breásts in the bottom of the Instánt Pot (no need to use the trivet!) -- it's okáy if they're stácked, just máke sure none áre stuck together.
- Pour in the wáter or chicken broth (or use ánother liquid like pineápple juice, ápple juice, etc.) ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper.
- Put the lid on ánd move the válve to seáling. Press Mánuál pressure ánd set the timer to 10-12 minutes (I've found 10 is just right, ánd át the 12 minute márk they áre 180 degrees F or more). The Instánt Pot will táke ábout 10 minutes to come to pressure ánd stárt counting down from 10.
- When the cook time is up, let pressure releáse náturálly for 5-10 minutes before releásing the remáining pressure. Check thát the internál temperáture of the chicken is 165 degrees F -- mine is álwáys át leást or higher.
- Serve ás is, chop, or ádd sáuces ás desired.
This article and recipe adapted from this site