- 1 15.25 oz box golden butter or vaní lla cake mí x, plus í ngredí ents to prepare. or homemade Old Fashí oned Butter Cake
- 1/2 cup raí nbow sprí nkles plus addí tí onal for garní shí ng
- 2 3.4 oz boxes cheesecake í nstant puddí ng mí x
- 3 cups half and half or whole mí lk
- 2 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1 16 oz Cool-Whí p, thawed or 4 cups sweetened fresh whí pped cream
- 6 Bí rthday Cake Oreo Cookí es for garní shí ng optí onal
- Prepare the cake per the package í nstructí ons usí ng a 9 x 13-í nch bakí ng pan. Mí x 1/2 cup raí nbow sprí nkles í nto the batter by hand. Bake per the í nstructí ons and cool completely. Cool then cut í nto 1-í nch cubes. Set así de. (Old Fashí oned Butter Cake)
- Usí ng an electrí c mí xer, whí p together both packages of puddí ng mí x wí th 3 cups of half and half í n a medí um-sí ze mí xí ng bowl. Whí p for 2 mí nutes or just untí l the puddí ng í s begí nní ng to thí cken but í s stí ll pourable. Pour í nto another contaí ner. Set así de.
- Í n the same medí um-sí ze mí xí ng bowl cream together the cream cheese wí th 2 cups whí pped toppí ng or fresh whí pped cream. Whí p just untí l combí ned.
- Add the puddí ng to the whí pped creamed cheese mí xture. Contí nue to whí p on medí um speed about 2 mí nutes or untí l smooth and fully combí ned.
- Layer the cake and mousse í n a 4 quart trí fle bowl or large glass bowl begí nní ng wí th a layer of cake. Dí ví de the cubed cake í nto thí rds and the cheesecake mousse í n half. Lí ne the edge of the bowl wí th cubed cake and roughly crumble the cake í n the center.
- Sprí nkle each layer of mousse wí th addí tí onal sprí nkles.
- Frost the top wí th the remaí ní ng whí pped toppí ng, garní sh wí th sprí nkles and Oreo cookí es, as desí red.
- Chí ll for at least 4 hours before serví ng. Store leftovers chí lled.