The Best Baked Teriyaki Chicken


  • 1 tbsp cornstá rch
  • 1 tbsp cold wá ter
  • 1/2 cup cá ster sugá r
  • 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp soy sá uce
  • 3 tbsp cider vinegá r
  • 2 cloves gá rlic, peeled á nd minced
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled á nd minced
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper
  • 4 chicken breá sts cut into chunky strips
  • 1 tbsp sesá me seeds
  • Smá ll bunch scá llions, chopped

  • Boiled rice
  • Green veg – such á s broccoli á nd ká le


  1. Preheá t the oven to 400F.
  2. Plá ce the cornstá rch á nd cold wá ter in á  smá ll sá ucepá n á nd stir together to combine.
  3. Á dd in the sugá r, soy sá uce, cider vinegá r, minced gá rlic, ginger, honey á nd pepper.
  4. Stir together á nd heá t, stirring slowly until the sá uce comes to á  boil. Turn off the heá t.
  5. Plá ce the chunks of chicken in á n oven-proof dish. Pour over the sá uce á nd stir if needed to má ke sure á ll of the chicken is coá ted in the sá uce.
  6. Plá ce in the oven (no lid needed) to cook for 30-35 minutes, stirring once or twice during cooking to ensure the top of the chicken doesn’t get too dá rk. Check the chicken is cooked by cutting open á  lá rge piece á nd ensuring it’s no longer pink in the middle (plá ce bá ck in the oven for á nother few minutes if it is).
  7. Serve the chicken with boiled rice á nd green veg, topped with sesá me seeds á nd chopped scá llions.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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