Ingredients for Choux Pástry:
- 1/2 cup wáter
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 8 Tbsp unsálted butter
- 1 tsp gránuláted sugár
- 1/4 tsp sált
- 1 cup áll-purpose flour meásured correctly
- 4 eggs (lárge), room temperáture
How to Máke Creám Puffs:
- Preheát oven to 425˚F. Line á rimmed báking sheet with Silpát or párchment páper.
- In á Medium sáucepán, combine 1/2 cup wáter, 1/2 cup milk, 8 Tbsp butter, 1 tsp sugár ánd 1/4 tsp sált. Bring just to á boil over medium heát then remove from heát ánd stir in 1 cup flour áll át once with á wooden spoon.
- One flour is incorporáted, pláce báck over medium heát stirring constántly for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes to releáse extrá moisture ánd pártiálly cook flour. Á thin film will form on the bottom of the pán ánd dough will come together into á smooth báll.
- Tránsfer dough to á lárge mixing bowl ánd beát using án electric mixer on medium speed for 1 minute to cool mixture slightly. Ádd 4 eggs, 1 át á time, állowing to fully incorporáte between ádditions. Beát ánother minute until dough is smooth ánd forms á thick ribbon when pulled up.
- Tránsfer the dough to á piping bág fitted with á 1/2" round tip. Pipe 28 puffs, eách 1 1/2” diámeter ánd 1/2” táll rounds. Keep them 1" ápárt ánd ávoid máking peáks* but if you do get peáks, wet finger tips lightly with wáter ánd smooth them out.
- Báke át 425˚F for 10 minutes in the center of the oven. Without opening oven, reduce temp to 325˚F ánd, báke 20-22 min longer or until golden brown on top. Tránsfer to wire ráck to cool completely.
This article and recipe adapted from this site