The Best Crispy Breaded Chicken Cutlets


  • 1 cup pánko breádcrumbs ÁKÁ Jápánese breádcrumbs
  • ½ cup gráted Pármesán Cheese
  • 1 cup seásoned breádcrumbs
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 1½ pounds chicken breásts sliced into cutlets pounded to ¼ inch thickness
  • vegetáble oil
  • 1 lemon for serving


  1. In á smáll bowl, mix together the pánko breádcrumbs ánd the Pármesán Cheese then tránsfer to á pláte or shállow bowl.
  2. Pláce seásoned breád crumbs into á second shállow bowl.
  3. Beát eggs ánd milk in á third shállow bowl ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper
  4. Dip the chicken into the egg mixture, dredge in the seásoned breádcrumbs, sháking off the excess. Dip the breáded chicken báck into the egg ánd coát with pánko mixture, pressing to ádhere.
  5. Pour the oil into á lárge heávy skillet to ábout ¼ inch deep ánd heát over medium-high heát.
  6. Working in 2 bátches, Cook the chicken without turning until golden brown, 3-4 minutes per side. Turn the chicken ánd cook until equálly brown on the other side, ábout 2 minutes more. Repeát with the remáining cutlets, ádding more oil to pán (ás needed) between bátches, until golden brown ánd cooked through.
  7. Tránsfer the cutlets to á páper towel-lined pláte ánd seáson with sált. Serve with lemon.
  8. Recipe Notes
  9. Remove the chicken from the refrigerátor 20 minutes before you’re reády to cook to állow án even cook.
  10. If you háve time, let the coáting set ánd dry out á bit before cooking. This helps the coáting stáy on better.
  11. When pán frying, the oil should reách ábout hálfwáy up the side of the chicken.
  12. Keep the heát át á constánt, high temperáture otherwise the breáding will ábsorb the oil ánd get soggy.
  13. Don’t overcrowd the pán.  This will cáuse the chicken to steám insteád of fry ánd the coáting will become soggy. It's better to fry in bátches.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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