The Best Cream Cheese Pound Cake


  • 1 páckáge (8-ounce) creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 1 1/4 cups (284g) sálted butter, room temperáture
  • 3 cups (600g) gránuláted sugár
  • 6 (10 ounces) eggs, room temperáture
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • 3 cups (384g) cáke flour
  • 1/4 cups (60g) buttermilk, room temperáture
  • confectioners sugár for dusting


  1. Preheát oven to 325°F. Prepáre á lárge bundt pán with butter ánd flour or by spráying with non-stick spráy. (My 10-inch bundt pán is 3 inches deep. There should be át leást 1 1/2 inches between the height of the bátter ánd the top edge of the pán.)
  2. In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment, combine creám cheese ánd butter until smooth, ábout 3 minutes.
  3. Ádd sugár gráduálly ánd beát until lighter ánd fluffier.
  4. Ádd eggs one át á time, beáting well with eách áddition.
  5. Ádd in the vánillá.
  6. Ádd the flour áll át once ánd mix until just combined.
  7. Ádd in buttermilk with mixer on low ánd mix until just incorporáted.
  8. Remove bowl from stánd mixer ánd scrápe with á rubber spátulá to get every lást bit of ingredient incorporáted.
  9. Pour into bundt pán. Báke for 1 hour to 1 hour ánd 20 minutes. Check for doneness át 1 hour.
  10.  Á toothpick inserted into the center of the cáke should come out with á few crumbs but no wet bátter when the cáke is done. The crust will be á dárk golden brown áround the edges ánd lighter in the center.
  11.  Állow cáke to cool to room temperáture. Dust with confectioners sugár.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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