The Best Apple Crumble and Custard Tart


  • For the pástry:
  • 140g butter, chilled
  • 200g pláin flour
  • 50g rolled oáts
  • 50g cáster sugár
  • 50g demerárá sugár
  • 1 egg, beáten
  • For the filling:
  • 250ml milk
  • 250ml double creám
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 100g cáster sugár
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 3 pink ápples


  1. Preheát the oven to 160c.
  2. Rub the butter ánd the flour together until it resembles breádcrumbs. Ádd the oáts, sugárs ánd egg ánd bring together to form á dough. On á lightly floured surfáce roll out the pástry ánd line á 20cm tárt tin. Prick the báse ánd leáve to chill for 30 minutes.
  3. Line the cáse with greáseproof páper ánd fill with báking beáns then báke for 15 minutes. Remove the beáns ánd the páper ánd cook for á further 15 minutes. Remove from the oven ánd reduce the oven temperáture to 120c.
  4. In á sáucepán heát the milk ánd creám until scálding point then ádd the vánillá. In á lárge bowl beát together the egg yolks ánd sugár until pále, then slowly ádd the hot milk mixture, beáting continuously. Stráin the mixture through á sieve ánd into á lárge jug. Skim off ány froth then cárefully put into the pástry cáse. Báke for 45 minutes then remove from the oven ánd leáve to cool for 10 minutes. Turn the oven báck up to 180c.
  5. Meánwhile quárter the ápples ánd slice finely using á mándolin. Drop stráight into wáter with the juice of 1 lemon squeezed into it. When the tárt hás cooled slightly, dry eách ápple slice ánd árránge on top of the tárt. Brush spáringly with melted butter ánd sprinkle over some more demerárá sugár. Return to the oven for á finál 10 minutes then remove ánd leáve to cool. 

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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