• 2 cups semi sweet chocoláte chips
  • 6 tbsp plus 1/4 cup creámy peánut butter
  • 1 (7oz) contáiner of márshmállow creme fluff
  • 1 cup powder sugár
  • 3/4 cup unsálted roásted peánuts
  • 1 bág (11 oz) cárámels, unwrápped
  • 1/4 cup heávy whipping creám


  1. Line your báking dish with párchment páper ánd set áside.
  2. Pláce á pán of wáter over high heát ánd állow to boil - pláce á gláss or metál bowl over top ánd ádd the 1 cup of the chocoláte chips with 3 Táblespoons peánut butter ánd melt until smooth, stirring frequently. (You cán microwáve the chocoláte chips if preferred but check every 25 seconds to prevent burning.)
  3. Pour the melted chocoláte into the prepáred báking dish ánd spreád to á smooth, even láyer. Pláce into the freezer to set while you máke the nougát.
  4. In á medium mixing bowl, combine the márshmállow fluff, 1/4 cup peánut butter ánd powdered sugár. Mix until combined.
  5. Remove the pán with chocoláte from the freezer.
  6. Using your hánds, push down the nougát onto the first láyer of chocoláte.
  7. Evenly distribute peánuts on top of the nougát ánd gently press the peánuts so they áre “stuck” in pláce. I like sálted peánuts in this recipe but unsálted would be fine.
  8. In the sáme wáy thát you melted the chocolátes, melt the cárámels ánd heávy whipping creám. Stir the cárámel until fully melted.
  9. Pour cárámel over the nougát ánd smooth with á spátulá. Pláce into the fridge for 20 minutes.
  10. Repeát the first step with the remáining 1 cup chocoláte chips ánd 3 Táblespoons peánut butter. (Melt together.)
  11. Pour the finál láyer of melted chocoláte over cooled cárámel ánd pláce báck into the fridge until hárdened.
  12. Use á shárp knife to cut into squáres.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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