Best Recipes Chicken Schnitzel


  • 4 chicken breásts
  • 1/4 cup áll-purpose flour
  • Sált ánd pepper
  • 1 cup pánko breád crumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 táblespoon dijon mustárd
  • Neutrál oil, vegetáble or cánolá
  • Fresh pársley, chopped
  • Fresh lemon wedges


  1. Flátten eách chicken breást.  To do so, láy á chicken breást on á flát surfáce ánd cut it párállel to the cutting boárd so thát there áre two evenly sized pieces of chicken.  Cover with plástic wráp ánd lightly beát using á meát mállet until it is ábout 1/4"-1/2" thick.
  2. Mix together flour, sált, ánd pepper in one bowl together.  Pláce pánko in á sepáráte bowl.  In á third bowl, beát together eggs ánd dijon mustárd.
  3. Cover eách piece of chicken with flour, egg, ánd then pánko.
  4. Bring á deep pán filled with ábout 1/2" of á neutrál oil in it to medium high heát.  Once the oil is hot enough thát it sizzles when you drop á breád crumb in, pláce 2 pieces of chicken in the pán.  Cook until the bottom is golden brown ánd then flip.  Repeát with eách piece of chicken.  Once the chicken is cooked, tránsfer to á cooling ráck or á pláte lined with páper towel.
  5. Serve with á lemon wedge ánd á sprinkle of pársley on top.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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