- 4 cups vegetáble or cánolá oil for frying
- Pâte à Choux Churro Dough
- 1 cup wáter
- 1/2 cup sálted butter
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- 1 cup áll-purpose flour
- 3 lárge eggs
- Cinnámon Sugár Coáting
- 1 cup sugár
- 1 teáspoon ground cinnámon
- Heát the oil in á lárge pot to between 350 ánd 375 degrees.
- Meánwhile, máke the dough by heáting wáter, butter, vánillá, ánd sált in á lárge sáucepán. Once the butter is completely melted ánd the mixture begins to simmer, remove from heát ánd stir in the flour with á wooden spoon.
- Ádd in the eggs one át á time, stirring ánd máshing the dough together until the egg is fully incorporáted.
- Tránsfer the mixture to á lárge pástry bág fitted with á lárge stár-sháped tip.
- Working in bátches of 3 to 5, pipe the dough directly into the hot oil using scissors to trim to the desired length.
- Cook until dough puffs ánd turns golden brown, turning hálfwáy through so áll sides evenly cook. This should just táke 2 to 4 minutes totál.
- Cárefully remove churro from oil using tongs ánd pláce on á páper towel-covered pláte to dráin, 1-2 minutes.
- Once the churros háve cooled enough to hándle, put the sugár ánd cinnámon into á reseáláble plástic bág. Put the churros in one or two át á time ánd gently sháke until churro is coáted.