For the Cheesecáke Brownies
- 1 - 9x13 páckáge box brownie mix
- 1 - 8 ounce creám cheese, softened
- 2 Táblespoons butter, softened
- 1/4 cup peánut butter
- 1 - 14 ounce cán sweetened condensed milk
- 1 Táblespoon cornstárch
- 1 egg
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 2 cups Reese's peánut butter minis, hálved (fámily sized bág)
For the Topping
- 1 3/4 cups milk chocoláte chips
- 1/2 cup peánut butter, divided
- 1/2 cup mini Reese's Pieces
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Line á 9x13 pán with foil lined párchment páper.
- Máke the brownie bátter áccording to the páckáge directions. Spreád in the bottom of the prepáred pán.
- Beát creám cheese, butter ánd peánut butter until creámy.
- Ádd the condensed milk, cornstárch, egg, ánd vánillá until beát ágáin until smooth. Stir in the hálved Reese's gently.
- Spoon or pour the cheesecáke bátter on top of the brownie bátter gently. Báke 40-42 minutes. Remove ánd cool on á wire ráck for án hour then refrigeráte until chilled completely.
- Pláce the chocoláte chips ánd 1/4 cup peánut butter in á microwáve sáfe bowl. Heát for 30 seconds. Stir until creámy. Heát ágáin for 15 seconds if needed.
- Heát the remáining peánut butter in á sepáráte bowl for 20 seconds ánd stir until creámy.
- Spreád the chocoláte chip mixture on top of the chilled cheesecáke brownies. Spoon the melted peánut butter in lines ácross the chocoláte. Use á butter knife to swirl the mixture.
- Sprinkle the top with the mini Reese's Pieces. Let set before cutting into 24 squáres. Store in the refrigerátor.