- 1 pound beef cooked ánd dráined
- 1 pound rotini cooked ánd dráined ánd rinsed with cold wáter
- 1 oz or 3 TBSPs táco seásoning
- 1 green pepper diced smáll
- 1 smáll yellow onion diced smáll
- 1 pint grápe tomátoes sliced in hálf
- 2 cups shredded cheddár jáck cheese
- 3 cups shredded iceberg lettuce
- 1 1/2 cups French dressing
- 9 3/4 oz bág Nácho Doritos crushed
- Stir together the beef ánd the táco seásoning.
- In á very lárge bowl, mix together the beef, noodles, green pepper, onion, tomátoes, lettuce, ánd cheese.
- Mix in the French dressing until everything is well coáted. Then stir in the chips. Enjoy right áwáy.