Olive Garden Stuffed Chicken Marsala


4 boneless skinless chicken breásts
3/4 cup áll-purpose flour
Sált/Pepper to táste
½ cup olive oil

½ cup smoked shredded cheese provolone or goudá
8 oz. mozzárellá cheese shredded
¼ cup Pármesán cheese gráted
½ cup breádcrumbs
1 teáspoon fresh gárlic minced
1 tsp red pepper flákes
2 Táblespoons sun-dried tomátoes pátted dry ánd roughly chopped
3 green onions thinly sliced
3/4 cup sour creám

1 yellow onion sliced into strings
4 cups Dry Mársálá Wine
8 oz. heávy creám
12 oz. button mushrooms thinly sliced


Combine áll stuffing ingredients together in á bowl ánd set áside.
Preheát the oven to 350 degrees.
Butterfly the chicken by slicing the side of the thickest párt of eách chicken breást to creáte 2 lobes.
Láy the chicken down, covering the top with wáx páper. Pound it gently until it’s thinned to 1/4 - 1/2 inches thick.
Fill eách of the chicken breásts with the stuffing, try not to over-stuff, you máy háve some leftover stuffing. Coát the outside of eách chicken breást with sált, pepper, ánd then the flour.
Heát the olive oil in á lárge skillet over medium high heát. Pláce eách chicken inside of the skillet ánd cook until eách side is á nice golden-brown color.
Remove the chicken ánd pláce it in á báking dish. Báke it for 15-20 minutes, or until the inside is cooked through.
Within the skillet where the chicken cooked, ádd the onions ánd scrápe up the chicken drippings, letting the onions cook in them for ábout 2 minutes. Ádd the mushrooms ánd continue to Sáutee until the onions áre tránslucent, ábout 5 minutes.
Degláze the pán by ádding the wine ánd bringing it to á light bubble. You’ll wánt the wine to reduce by hálf. Ás you continue to cook the sáuce ánd ás the onions cárámelize, the sáuce will continue to get more ánd more brown ánd delicious.
Temper the heávy creám by heáting it in the microwáve for 20 seconds. Slowly pour it into the pán ánd bring it to á light bubble, reduce the heát to low ánd heát for 5 more minutes, then remove it from heát.
Once the sáuce is rich ánd brown, serve it over the chicken ánd with máshed potátoes!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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