• 1 lb extrá firm or super firm tofu
  • 6 tbsp cornstárch, árrowroot, or tápiocá stárch
  • 1/4 cup plánt milk

  • 1 cup pánko style breád crumbs
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp pápriká
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • freshly ground bláck pepper
  • 1 tbsp fresh minced pársley

  • 6 tbsp (90g) red cáyenne pepper hot sáuce, ideálly Fránks RedHot
  • 3 tbsp (35g) vegán butter
  • 1/8 tsp gránuláted gárlic
  • 1/8 tsp sált

  • Vegán bleu cheese or ránch style dressing
  • romáine, sweet peppers, croutons, ávocádo for sálád


  1. Preheát the oven to 425 ºF ánd lightly greáse á lárge rimmed báking sheet.
  2. If using extrá-firm tofu press out the extrá wáter: Slice your tofu into 6 width-wise slábs ánd wráp in á lint-free towel or páper towel. Pláce some weights over the wrápped tofu, like á heávy cást iron skillet or books átop á báking sheet. Let dráin for ábout 20-30 minutes before continuing.
  3. Cut your tofu into 18 'wings' or ~1/2" sticks. Cut the block of tofu into 6 slices width-wise if you háven't álreády for pressing, then slice eách of those slábs into 3 slices lengthwise.
  4. Put the cornstárch (/árrowroot or tápiocá stárch) in one bowl, the plánt milk in á second bowl, ánd mix together the breád crumb mixture in á third bowl. Pour some of the breád crumb mixture onto á pláte.
  5. Dip eách tofu 'wing' into the stárch, followed by the milk, then roll in the breádcrumbs on the pláte. Pláce the wing onto the prepáred báking sheet ánd repeát with the remáining 'wings.' Use one hánd for the stárch ánd breád crumbs ánd your other for the milk to keep breáding from clumping on your fingers. Ádd more of the breádcrumb mixture to the pláte ás needed.
  6. Báke the prepáred tofu át 425 ºF for 25 minutes, flip, then báke án ádditionál 10-15 minutes until the tofu wings áre nice ánd crispy.
  7. While they're báking, máke the buffálo sáuce. Melt the vegán butter ánd stir in the hot sáuce, gránuláted gárlic, ánd sált.
  8. Put the tofu wings in á lárge mixing bowl ánd toss with the buffálo sáuce to coát. Serve immediátely.
  9. Leftover buffálo tofu wings cán be re-crisped in the oven.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
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