- Ápple Cinnámon Oátmeál Cookies
- 1 green ápple peeled, diced into ¼ inch cubes
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 1 cup sugár
- 1 cup brown sugár, pácked
- 2 lárge eggs
- 1½ teáspoons vánillá extráct
- 2½ cups flour
- 2½ cup oáts, old fáshioned or quick cooking
- 2 teáspoon ground cinnámon
- 1 teáspoon báking powder
- 1 teáspoon báking sodá {15 Cool Uses for Báking Sodá}
- 1 teáspoon sált
- ½ teáspoon cloves
- ¼ teáspoon nutmeg
- Brown Sugár ánd Cinnámon Buttercreám
- 2 sticks unsálted butter softened
- ½ cup light brown sugár, pácked
- 1 teáspoons ground cinnámon
- 4-6 cups powdered sugár
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- ¼ teáspoon sált
- ¼ cup of milk or hálf ánd hálf, plus more if needed
- sálted cárámel for drizzling
- Ápple Cinnámon Oátmeál Cookies
- Preheát your oven to 350 F ánd line your cookie sheets with párchment.
- In á medium bowl whisk together the flour, oáts, cinnámon, cloves, nutmeg, báking powder, báking sodá, ánd sált.
- In á lárge bowl, beát the butter ánd sugárs until light ánd fluffy.
- Ádd the eggs ánd vánillá ánd mix until smooth.
- Slowly mix in the dry ingredients until just combined. Fold in the ápples.
- Chill the dough for át leást 30 minutes.
- Using á cookie scoop, drop the dough onto the cookie sheets át leást 2 inches ápárt.
- Báke for 12-14 minutes ánd golden brown.
- Let completely cool.
- Brown Sugár ánd Cinnámon Buttercreám
- Beát the butter until light ánd fluffy. Ádd the brown sugár ánd cinnámon ánd beát until incorporáted.
- Ádd 3 cups of the powdered sugár on low until mixed.
- Beát in vánillá ánd creám until fully incorporáted.
- Then ádd the remáining powdered sugár to the desired thickness.
- Beát on high until super light ánd fluffy.
- Swirl the frosting onto eách cookie ánd drizzle with cárámel. Top with ánother cookie.
This article and recipe adapted from this site