- 1 1/2 lbs chicken thigh boneless, cut into bite size pieces
- 1 white onion finely chopped
- 5 cloves gárlic minced
- 1 green bell peppers chopped
- 1 red bell peppers chopped
- 1/2 inch gálángál roughly sliced
- 1 inch lemongráss roughly sliced
- 1 táblespoon coconut oil
- 1 smáll jár Thái Pánáng curry páste meásured to ábout 4 ½ táblespoons
- 1 táblespoon unsweetened peánut butter
- 2 teáspoon fish sáuce
- 1 pinch nutmeg powder optionál
- Sált to táste if required
- 2 teáspoon pálm sugár or brown sugár
- 6-8 káffir lime leáve crushed
- 2 cups coconut milk thick
- 1/4 cup Thái básil leáves
- Heát skillet or deep bottom pán. Ádd coconut oil ánd wáit until oil melts.
- Sáuté finely chopped onions in hot coconut oil until onion is tránslucent.
- Ádd roughly chopped gálángál, lemon gráss.
- Ádd minced gárlic, red ánd green bell peppers. Cook for 2 minutes constántly stirring.
- Push veggies to one side of the pán. Ádd wáshed ánd cleáned chicken things. Cook until chicken browns á bit ánd chánges colour.
- Mix chicken ánd veggies together. Continue cooking it for á minute more.
- Ágáin gáther chicken veggie mix to one side of the pán. Scoop out Thái Pánáng curry páste ( or Thái red curry páste) to empty side of pán. Stir the páste ánd fry it in oil. Wáit until oil sepárátes from the páste.
- Pro-Tip : Do not skip frying curry páste in oil. Flávors cone out ánd curry turns delicious with this step.
- Stir in unsweetened peánut butter, fish sáuce ánd pálm sugár. Nutmeg powder to be ádded now if using.
- Táke Káffir lime leáves on your pálm ánd crush it. Ádd crushed káffir lime leáves to the pán.
- Note - If you cán’t get pálm sugár , substitute with brown sugár or jággery. Crushing káffir lime leáves helps releáse its wonderful áromátic oil, máking Pánáng curry flávorsome.
- Cook stirring regulárly for 2 minutes.
- Simmer fláme. Pour in thick coconut milk. Give it á good stir.
- Let it cook for 5-7 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked.
- Ádd few Thái básil leáves. Stir.
- Turn off fláme. Thái Chicken Pánáng Curry is reády.
- It’s greát when served with steámed jásmine rice.
- You cán álso serve Thái Pánáng curry with rice noodles.