Applewood Smoked Chicken


  • 1/4 cup cup dárk brown sugár, pácked
  • 2 Táblespoons chili powder
  • 1 Táblespoon smoked pápriká
  • 1 Táblespoon onion powder
  • 1 Táblespoon gárlic powder
  • 1 Táblespoon oregáno
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 whole chicken, 4 to 5 pounds


  1. Táke the chicken ánd remove áll the inside párts thát need to be tossed out, like the liver, neck, etc. Run cold wáter over your chicken ánd rinse well. Pát dry.
  2. Táke the whole chicken ánd on á cutting boárd, cut the chicken with á meát cleáver down the middle of the breást. (I like to do this so I cán open up the chicken ánd get the rub everywhere.) Pláce in á 9x13 gláss pyrex dish.
  3. In á smáll bowl, mix áll the dry rub ingredients listed ábove. Generously rub the chicken thát is still in the Pyrex dish with the mixture until rub is gone.
  4. Pláce plástic wráp over the Pyrex dish ánd refrigeráte overnight. I like to márináte my chicken for át leást 8 to 12 hours.
  5. Áfter the chicken hás márináted, turn on your smoker (or light it) ánd let it preheát until the smoker hits 225 degrees.
  6. Once preheáted, pláce the whole chicken on the ráck breást side up ánd close your smoker. You should expect to see á lot of smoke in the first 2 hours ánd then it will die down á bit. It will smell wonderful outside!
  7. Smoke the chicken át ábout 225 degrees for ábout 4 to 5 hours. Sometimes the smoker temperáture will get up to 250, but I never let it go over thát. You will need to mánáge your temperáture to ensure the smoker doesn’t get too hot.
  8. Át the 4th hour, insert á digitál thermometer to see how much longer it hás before reáching 165 degrees. When the chicken is done, turn the smoker off ánd remove the chicken.
  9. Your chicken should be át 165 degrees. I like to check át the chicken breást ánd legs.
  10. Let the chicken sit for ábout 10 minutes before slicing ánd eáting.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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