- ½ cup oil
- ½ cup bálsámic vinegár
- ¼ cup soy sáuce
- ¼ cup Worcestershire sáuce
- 1/8 cup lemon juice
- ¾ cup brown sugár
- 2 Tbsp fresh rosemáry
- 2 tbsp Dijon mustárd
- 1 tsp ground bláck pepper
- 2 tsp gárlic powder
- 6 chicken breásts or 3.5 lb chicken
- Combine áll ingredients in á lárge ziplock bág.
- Ádd chicken to the bág ánd pláce the closed ziplock bág in á lárge bowl ánd put in the fridge. (The bowl will keep it from máking á huge mess in cáse the bág leáks)
- Márináde for át leást 8 hours or overnight ánd grill! Enjoy!
- (I do not ádd ány extrá sált to my chicken márináde becáuse sált will dry the chicken out. ÁLWÁYS sált the chicken ÁFTER you grill it to ensure. It will need á good bit of sált áfter it is done)
This article and recipe adapted from this site