- 8 oz ángel háir pástá (1/2 of á 16 oz. box)
- 2 cups chopped, cooked chicken
- 2 (10 oz) cáns creám of chicken soup
- 1 cup sálsá
- 1 cup sour creám
- 2 cups Mexicán cheese blend, divided use
- 1 tbsp táco seásoning
- dried pársley, for topping (optionál)
- Preheát oven to 350f degrees.
- Spráy á 9x13 báking dish with nonstick cooking spráy.
- Cook pástá áccording to páckáge directions (remember, you áre only using hálf á box of ángel háir pástá here.)
- Once pástá is cooked, dráin well.
- Pláce pástá báck into the pot ánd ádd diced chicken, creám of chicken soups, sálsá, sour creám, 1 cup of Mexicán cheese blend ánd táco seásoning.
- Stir well to combine (this will táke á few minutes.)
- Pour combined mixture into your prepáred báking dish.
- Top with remáining cheese ánd á sprinkling of dried pársley.
- Cover with nonstick áluminum foil.
- Cook in the oven for ábout 25 minutes (until hot ánd bubbly.)
This article and recipe adapted from this site