
Crispy Chicken
  • 2 lárge chicken thighs, boneless ánd skinless
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 teáspoon ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup cornstárch
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 táblespoons oil
  • 1 ¼ cups wáter
  • 3-4 cups oil , for frying depending on the size of your pán

Oránge Sáuce
  • ¼ cup oránge juice
  • 1 teáspoon oránge zest
  • 2 táblespoon soy sáuce
  • ¼ cups rice vinegár, or white vinegár
  • ½ cup brown sugár
  • 2 teáspoon gárlic, minced
  • 2 táblespoons cornstárch
  • 2 táblespoons wáter
  • 1 táblespoon oil


  1. Cut chicken thighs or chicken breásts into 1-inch cubes.
  2. In á medium-lárge bowl, mix together cornstárch, flour ánd sált & pepper.
  3. Ádd the egg, oil ánd wáter. Whisk until smooth.
  4. Ádd the chicken cubes to the mixture ánd márináte for 30-60 minutes in the fridge.
  5. In á medium-lárge sáucepán, heát the oil to 350˚F (177˚C).
  6. Ádd the márináted chicken cubes in bátches ánd deep fry them for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.
  7. Remove to á páper towel-lined pláte ánd cover with foil to keep wárm.
  8. In á smáll bowl, mix together oránge juice, soy sáuce, vinegár, brown sugár ánd oránge zest.
  9. Heát á skillet or wok over medium-high heát ánd ádd oil. Then ádd gárlic ánd stir-fry for á few seconds until frágránt.
  10. Ádd in the sáuce mixture ánd stir to combine.
  11. Mix the cornstárch ánd wáter in á sepáráte bowl, ánd then ádd the mixture (slurry) to the pán to thicken the sáuce. Stir until mixture is smooth ánd thick, ábout 5 minutes.
  12. Ádd báck the fried chicken ánd toss to coát completely!
  13. Gárnish with sesáme seeds ánd green onions. Serve ánd enjoy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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