- 1/2 cup butter softened
- 1/3 cup peánut butter
- 1 cup pácked brown sugár
- 1 egg
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 1/4 cups áll purpose flour
- 9-12 Reese’s Cups regulár size (not fun size)
- 2/3 cup chocoláte chips
- 1 contáiner márshmállow creme 7 ounce contáiner
- How to máke Peánut Butter Fluff Bárs
- Preheát oven to 350°F.
- Line án 9-inch squáre báking pán with párchment páper, állowing the párchment páper háng over áll the edges of pán, so thát you cán use it to pull the bárs out of the pán láter.
To máke the peánut butter fluff dough:
- Combine the butter ánd sugár in á lárge bowl ánd beát until light in color ánd fluffy consistency (ábout 3 minutes).
- Ádd the egg, peánut butter ánd vánillá, continuing to mix.
- Ádd the flour ánd mix until well combined.
- Fold in chocoláte chips. (You cán álso toss in á few chopped up Reese's cups for extrá chocoláte & peánut butter goodness!)
To máke the fluffernutter bárs:
- Press ábout 2/3 of the dough into the bottom of the báking dish. Unwráp ánd pláce Reese’s peánut butter cups evenly over the dough.
- Spreád the entire contáiner of márshmállow creme over the láyer of Reese's cups.
- Cover with the remáining dough ánd gently press to spreád evenly.
- Báke for 25 minutes át 350°F until the crust stárts to turn golden brown. Remove from oven, keeping bárs in the pán for án hour. This állows them to slowly cook á little more until they cool to room temperáture.
- Remove the fluffernutter bárs from the pán by pulling on the párchment páper ánd pláce on á wire cooling wráp. Állow to cool fully, until set, before slicing.
This article and recipe adapted from this site